Marble Hatchet - Carnegiella stigatus

Common Name Marble Hatchet Fish
Scientific Name Carnegiella strigatus
Max Size 5 cm
Lifespan 5 years
Origin Amazon basin, Guianas, and Rio Caqueta
Tank Setup Tank setups should include dark colors and lots of plants. Floating plants are a good addition for diffusing the direct light.
Tank Level Top dweller
Min Tank Size 76 Litres
Compatibility Community tank
Temperature 75-84°F
Water chemistry ph 5.0-7.5
Feeding Omnivorous, Mosquito larvae, bloodworms, glassworms, Drosophila, Daphnia, brine shrimp, tubifex worms; flake and frozen foods
Sexing Hatchets cannot be sexed unless the female is pregnant; you will be able to see the eggs in her body
Breeding The hatchets have a long courtship before spawning, and then lay the eggs on the floating plants. The eggs will sink, and either they or the parents should be removed. Fry hatch in only 30 hours, and are swimming free in about 5 days.