Kuhli Loach - Pangio Kuhlii

Common Name Kuhli or Coolie Loach
Scientific Name Pangio Kuhlii
Max Size 10cm
Origin Thailand, Malaya, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Indonesia
Tank Setup These fish require a well-planted tank with a fine substrate and lots of pebbles and roots to hide among. The Coolie Loach prefers subdued lighting.
Tank Level Bottom
Min Tank Size 19 Litres
Compatibility Very peaceful bottom feeders. It is nocturnal so it will only come out during the day when it is feeding time. The rest of the time it is hiding any place that it can.
Temperature 70-82°F
Water chemistry pH 5.0 - 7.5
Feeding Omnivorous. Flakes, freeze-dried foods, any small live foods
Breeding Difficult to breed. They produce bright green eggs, which are attached to plants near the water surface.