Black Phantom Tetra - Megalamphodus megalopterus

Common Name Black Phantom Tetra
Scientific Name Megalamphodus megalopterus
Max Size 4.5cm
Lifespan 5 years
Origin Brazil
Tank Setup Phantoms prefer a well-planted tank (particularly with floating plants), subdued lighting and a dark substrate.
Tank Level Mid Dweller
Min Tank Size 76 litre
Compatibility Male Black Phantoms will stake out territories and defend them from other males, There is not alot of fighting that takes place in this ritual, the males will throw up their fins and circle around each other until one of them backs down and swims away. Peaceful and schooling with fish of the same size.
Temperature 72-82°F
Water chemistry pH 6.0 - 7.5
Feeding Omnivore, eats most foods
Sexing The female is the one who displays the red coloration in her anal and pectoral fins. While the male's anal and pectoral fins are a smoky grey colour.
Breeding unknown